Qualcomm’s Gen AI: Pioneering Innovation with Hybrid Functionality

Qualcomm’s Gen AI

Qualcomm, a leading semiconductor company, has been at the forefront of integrating generative AI capabilities into its diverse product portfolio over the past few years. By harnessing intelligent algorithms, Qualcomm’s generative AI technology has the ability to produce original content, including images, videos, music, and more, based on existing data.

Embracing the potential of generative AI, Qualcomm has strategically incorporated this technology to enhance various aspects of its products and services. One of the key advantages lies in executing these capabilities locally on smartphones, delivering significant value in terms of cost-efficiency and scalability.

Building on this foundation, Qualcomm has embarked on developing a hybrid AI function that seamlessly extends from the device to the cloud, opening up new possibilities for intelligent applications.

The concept of this hybrid approach was initially introduced by Qualcomm earlier this year at Mobile World Congress. It entails specific hardware modifications and substantial software adjustments, resulting in the creation of a powerful deep-learning text-to-image model called Stable Diffusion, which was introduced in 2022.

Stable Diffusion primarily focuses on generating detailed images based on text descriptions. However, its versatility extends beyond image creation and includes tasks such as image repair (inpainting) and modifying AI-generated images beyond the original image’s boundaries (outpainting).

A critical component of machine learning algorithms is the use of parameters, which form the foundation for functional gen-AI applications. Parameters are the model’s trainable variables, established through past data. In the language domain, the relationship between the number of parameters and the complexity of the model has proven significant. Previously, gen-AI-style applications required around 10 billion parameters to achieve desired results.

Qualcomm’s relentless pursuit of innovation has led to breakthroughs in hybrid AI functionality, combining the power of localized execution with cloud capabilities. This unique approach presents an array of opportunities for applications across various industries.

The integration of generative AI into Qualcomm’s semiconductor line heralds a new era of advanced AI-driven solutions, empowering devices to create and enhance content with unparalleled efficiency. With Qualcomm’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of technological innovation, the potential for transformative applications across multiple domains continues to expand.

As Qualcomm continues to refine its generative AI capabilities and explore hybrid functionality, it is poised to revolutionize industries and create new possibilities for intelligent devices and services.

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